Welcome to the Pono Blog

Halau owner and hula teacher Luana Haraguchi told me recently that the Hawaiian word Pono translates to almost 100 meanings in the English language. There have been several moments over the recent weeks at home and at (virtual) work that have brought some of those translations to my mind: purpose, well-being, goodness, hope.

These are qualities that we often highlight when we are together in the Pono space and, of course, they are taking on a special meaning now. It means so much to all of the Pono faculty to remain connected with our community. We are dreaming and working together so that we may bring Pono, in all senses of the word, into your homes through a number of initiatives.

In addition to distance learning for Pono students and our new free or low-cost virtual classes, we will be posting here regularly with tips and how-tos for adapting to at-home education, information about Pono’s learner-centered pedagogy, and insights into adapting to this new way of life during the COVID-19 crisis by remaining connected - both locally and globally - to the things that bring us all a sense of Pono.

More soon! In the meantime, we wish Pono to you and your loved ones.

Norah RoderickComment