Chess, with David Rigo

Chess, with David Rigo


We will review the basics of chess and then focus on opening principles, basic checkmating patterns, and chess tactics. We’ll review famous games of chess, learn how to solve chess puzzles, and play some games!

David Rigo has been in the chess world for almost two decades. An NYC actor by training, he found those tools not only helpful for teaching but integral to teach newcomers the game of chess. Listening and responding, staying present while being aware of a bigger picture, are skills important for every chess player, and especially for those new to the game. Above all, David loves that chess is a passport to a whole world, much like learning a new language.

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 3:00-3:50 pm Eastern Time
Dates: 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 (Summer A)
Ages: 10 to 14
Materials Needed: See below
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Materials List:

Using a computer instead of a tablet or phone is recommended if possible