Chess with David Rigo

Chess with David Rigo


Chess is a fun and amazing game, but it can seem difficult to break into at first.  There are a few ways to get more comfortable with chess, and we will focus on the best ways to become comfortable as quickly as possible.  We will work on the fundamentals of chess, specifically opening principles and basic checkmates. Our goal will be to begin a game soundly and to be able to recognize basic checkmating patterns.  Most of our work will be a combination of interactive instruction, chess puzzles, and chess videos. Come join us for a virtual chess party!

David Rigo has been immersed in the chess world for almost two decades. He started out as an actor, and found that many of those tools were invaluable in teaching the core tenets and values of chess to young people. He specializes in getting newcomers to the game interested in learning more, and getting beginners to the next level. Chess can be a wonderful passport to a world that is bound by no language other than the love of the game. The more you learn, the more fun you can have with it.

Day/Time: Fridays, 4:00 to 5:00 pm ET

Dates: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5 (Four classes)

Ages: 9 to 15

If you have any questions, please email

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